Monday, December 12, 2011

1460 Miles in 16 hours

Cold Saturday morning I find myself slowly waking up at the Burbank Airport. Wanted a coffee, but the security took too long sliding my backpack through three times until finally realizing that they're looking at a flash-light.

I arrive at Salt Lake Utah in just under an hour, find the nearest Starbucks to get some Coffee and a Bagel. It turns out they don't have a Toaster so now I'm on a hunt for a toaster...

Fast forward another flight I meet up with Tom, who's a sweetheart and drove 100 miles with his wife to meet me so I can check out this car. The car turned out much better than I expected, I didn't hesitate put the money in Toms hand and gave him a hug.

I couldn't complain, the car ran like a top I had a fresh pack of cigarettes, and a big boy Monster. If you've ever driven through Oregon, you'd know its beautiful. Especially at this time of the year. Well, see for yourself.

I drove 730 miles in 11 hours, and on the last ten miles the lights started flickering, and the car started sputtering. I arrived in my drive way and my car just completely shut off. It was the alternator, but I was home...