Tuesday, December 27, 2011

´73 Datsun 240z....

Datsun 240Z - "fresh out of the box" in fantastic condition for a 38 year old classic. The car is for sale and should go in good hands. Original Condition with low mileage always kept nice and clean. Please contact us for more information

In the end, there will be impressions to remember

Friday, December 23, 2011

Import - Nissan Skyline R33 GTR

JDM Power - JM Imports UK
" & zurück nach Hause "

Spending time in Stuttgart always starts and ends with the famous indoor smoking box inside the airport_ have a look how smokers behave :)

British Airways was 45mins late this time...
but still an enjoying flight.

Heathrow Terminal 5 in Christmas flair connecting to NCL

woke up @ thistle,
got picked up to collect this shiny GTR next day


Brought home without a stone chip.
Already registered with german papers
and maybe few other things to think about
more pics upcoming...

This car is heading to Italy... 
Who knows what´s upcoming next ?

JDM Power in der Schweiz

Offizieller Ansprechpartner für die Schweiz ist
Castro Ricardo Andres. 

Weitere Informationen findet ihr auf
oder kontaktieren Sie uns direkt !!!

Wir wünschen Viel Erfolg !

Monday, December 12, 2011

1460 Miles in 16 hours

Cold Saturday morning I find myself slowly waking up at the Burbank Airport. Wanted a coffee, but the security took too long sliding my backpack through three times until finally realizing that they're looking at a flash-light.

I arrive at Salt Lake Utah in just under an hour, find the nearest Starbucks to get some Coffee and a Bagel. It turns out they don't have a Toaster so now I'm on a hunt for a toaster...

Fast forward another flight I meet up with Tom, who's a sweetheart and drove 100 miles with his wife to meet me so I can check out this car. The car turned out much better than I expected, I didn't hesitate put the money in Toms hand and gave him a hug.

I couldn't complain, the car ran like a top I had a fresh pack of cigarettes, and a big boy Monster. If you've ever driven through Oregon, you'd know its beautiful. Especially at this time of the year. Well, see for yourself.

I drove 730 miles in 11 hours, and on the last ten miles the lights started flickering, and the car started sputtering. I arrived in my drive way and my car just completely shut off. It was the alternator, but I was home...